bet365 Ararat Gold Cup | 12 November 2023

🎉🏆 Get Ready for the bet365 Ararat Cup - The Ultimate Local Race Day 🏆🎉 🐎 Saddle up and join us for the most thrilling day in our regional country racing calendar - the bet365 Ararat Cup! 🐎 Mark your calendars for a spectacular day of heart-stopping races, fabulous fashion, and fun for the whole community! 🎊 Local Community, This One's for You! 🎊 Calling all locals - this is YOUR event! The bet365 Ararat Cup brings together the vibrant spirit of our community for a day of celebration. It's a chance to come together, cheer on our favorite jockeys, and enjoy the camaraderie that makes our town special. Let's create memories that'll be talked about for years to come! 🎉📢 The bet365 Ararat Cup - IT'S OUR COUNTRY RACING 🎉📢 Let's come together, celebrate our town, and make the bet365 Ararat Cup a day to remember. This race day is not just about horses; it's about the locals who make our community shine. So bring your cheers, your laughter, and your racing spirit - See you there! 🤠🌟